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  • 网站链接:www.sundan.com
  • 人气指数:
  • 所属地区: 广东
  • 收录日期:2023-06-27 13:02:47
  • 网站分类:家电门户
  • 更新日期:2023-06-27 13:02:47
  • 顺电网上商城


Established in 1992, Sundan offers a seamless online and offline shopping experience which specialized inelectrical appliances. Sundan builds a good reputation and high-end brand image among the industry and customers because of mid to high-end positioning and products range.


Stock Name: Sundan    Stock Code: 831321



Business Scope:


       Sundan’s annual revenue is over RMB 3 billion and mainly focuses on 3 parts:

l   顺电网上商城:顺电网上商城作为顺电非常重要的业务部分,为顾客提供与实体门店同等优质服务,顾客可随时随地享受顺电产品和服务。

     Online store: as a very important part of the Sundan, it strives to provide superior service which’s equivalent of the physical store for the customer. Customers can enjoy Sundan’s products and services at anytime and anywhere.

l   顺电:目前在全国20多个一、二线城市,拥有40多家大型电器实体门店。

     Physical stores: over 40 physical stores in over 20 cities (both first and second tire cities) of mainland China.

l   设乡味:主要高端家居产品,目前在全国10多个城市拥有20多家实体门店。

     Household physical stores: Share and Relish mainly sells premium household products with more than 20 stores in over 10 cities.





Focus on the high-end electrical appliances; strive to be the biggest high-end electrical appliances store with excellent service for the high-end consumers.


As the necessity of our daily life, the increase of the customer needs results in the abundance of the product supply. The retail industry is involved in price competition. Now, Sundan aims to solve the problems arise from the price competition.

l   出于价格、促销干扰,消费者不知如何选择好产品或符合自己需求商品。

  The customer has no idea how to choose the best appropriate products due to the disturbance of price competition and sales promotion.

l   商品和品牌选择越来越多,需在不同商品之间比较,选择过程越来越复杂,不知选择什么产品。

The customer needs to compare different products among so many choices. The complication makes it harder for consumer to make a final decision.

l   商品质量优劣参差不齐,对于不熟悉产品的消费者来说,购买时冒很大风险,并且影响后期使用。

Quality difference will result in risk and bad using experience after the purchase, especially for those inexperienced customers. 

l   对于高端用户,很少有购买放心、选择简单、符合自己需求的购物场所。

     For the high-end customers, seldom can they find a place to meet their specific needs and where they can feel safe and conformable to buy.





        High income groups like successful men, well-educated, white collars and trendsetters, etc.





       Focus on the high-end electrical appliances with the following features:

l   以国际品牌、进口商品、新科技、新品等高端商品为主。

     The high-end products like international brand, imported products, new tech and new arrivals.

l   对改善健康、提升生活品质的健康产品、生活小家电、多功能性产品。

     Health products, small appliances and multi-functional products feature in improving people’s health and living quality.

l   满足老人、小孩、发烧友、专业人士、潮流人士的个性产品。

     Special products meet the needs of gray hairs, children, fanciers and trendsetters.



Service Guarantee:

l   100%正品行货:享受与实体门店同等货源保障,所有商品均通过正规渠道采购。

     100% authentic licensed; enjoy the same guarantee as the physical store. All products are legally purchased.

l   门店发货、门店提货:顺电优先选择通过门店为顾客发货、顾客也可选择所在城市的门店提货。

     Delivery and Pick up: Sundan will deliver the goods prior through physical stores or customers can choose to pick up at the nearest physical store.

l   全国联保:顺电网上商城所售产品提供全国联保,可凭发票选择厂家售后点享受保修服务。

     Nationwide quality assurance: whereas warranty service is required, customers shall show the presentation of the invoice.

l   30天退换货:在顺电网上商城所售产品提供30天退换货服务,详见细则。

     Changing or Refunding: we provide changing and refunding service within 30 days from the date of your purchase. Please see the details for reference.

l   顺电员工送货上门:部分城市可由顺电员工送货上门,并上门为顾客演示如何使用。

     Delivery door to door: some cities enjoy the delivery door to door service and our Sundan staff will demonstrate how to use the product.




  本站在线提供顺电网上商城网站的分类目录索引及网址大全库建立;顺电网上商城于2023-06-27 13:02:47归档在本站家电数码家电门户分类目录,并成功建立了索引服务,供搜索引擎抓取/蜘蛛爬行/用户查找/检索服务;截至目前为止,本站已有 个网友浏览了顺电网上商城网站,其中有 名网友为该网站点赞;总的来说,顺电网上商城是一个不错的家电门户网站。


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